What strategic partnerships can you create right now?

I am amazed by the kindness and the openness of people at the moment ?

For the last week or so I have been reaching out to strategic partners and even my competitors.

I’ve had some amazing conversations with these people – who are all up for connecting, collaborating and supporting.

So I did a post on LinkedIn about exactly this, and from that made more connections including a call with a brand strategist this morning. We both work with businesses at similar stages.

In fact, there are some great things like this happening in the world at the moment.

I am seeing so much genuine kindness and support in the conversations that I am having with fellow people in the business.

And I love that!

Think about business owners or people that have the same ideal customer as you or who are serving the same audience. Get in touch and see if there is a potential for collaboration in terms of your services or your offering. Strengthen your strategic partnerships.

What’s more, there are so many ways to partner, share resources or lift each other up. Sharing content, collaborating on competitions/ social media, promoting a joint-offering or service.

Or maybe just connecting for support and future possibilities.

Reach out and connect with those people. Pick up the phone.

Now is a great time to start fostering these relationships.

Today I was inspired to create a mini-podcast episode on exactly this topic

Create strategic partnerships and foster relationships

You can connect with me here: Emmie on LinkedIn.Come and join the conversation on topics like entrepreneurship, digital marketing, business growth, securing investment, podcasting, human connection and businesses that make a difference.

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